Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with One Step

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu, Chinese Taoist Philosopher, wrote this amazing quotes in 604 BC - 531 BC. The reason why I chose this quote as my blog and post title is that, it's really descriptive. It's not only reason that I chose this quote, this describes the starting point of the journey.

If you look at the herotic myth books, you can realize that they begin the journey and finish the journey safely. Hero start the journey with one step, it will carry on with the rest of the journey. So the meaning of this means "If you start something - journey, start with one step, don't surrender without trying".

If you look at the picture below, the tourist at the hill is looking at the mountain - maybe sighing and thinking "It will take too long to go there". But, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step! You won't achieve anything if you don't start your journey with one step.

The tourist is equipped with only foods and stick - that's all. No games, no friends, and no scientific equipment. However, he will begin the journey, one step and another step to the destination!

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