Sunday, October 11, 2009

Response: Connecting to a Global Tribe

This person, Matt Harding had a backpacking trip – and danced unusually while he was recording video. Soon, this video became the most – well known video of the world. Eventually, some viewers offered him to keep make video with sponsorships. After he made one video, he made another two more video (70 countries were shown at that video) for viewers. As these videos got famous, tons of people wanted to dance with him to support the video. So, he invited people to join in every place, from Toronto to Tokyo to other country. Through this journey, he realized that “People want to feel connected to each other, they want to be heard or seen and they’re curious to hear and see others from places far away.” – Connecting to a Global Tribe, by Matt Harding.

As I read through this article and see this video, I thought - how it’ll feel when you were dancing with him. However, I realized that everyone in the video including Matt Harding were smiling and laughing and cheering. We all laugh, cheer and smile – we are same, we are connected. He, Matt Harding started making this video for fun then this video turned into a one globalization. I hope you will also be someone like him, one day.

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