Monday, January 19, 2009

Countdown to End of Januray - January 19th

Oh dear! Only 12 days left till the end of January. The school has begun, and there are bunch of homeworks to do. (Aww....) Today, I even cancelled my tuition because I had many homeworks to do and that also includes tuition homework. Just now, I have finished all the homeworks and I have stuided for science test. The science test is... going to be hard. Actully, there is a big test coming up at the end of February! ERB test! (Why!!!) I know that everyone don't like to take a test, especially something like ERB because we have to write a essay. Oh, because of ERB, I have one bad news and good news. I will tell the good news first. The good news is that if I do well at ERB test, I can get out of ESL and take a main class. Now, the bed news is that I won't be able to get a good score. Maybe not, but probably, yes. I think you must be prepared for your ERB test, do you?

I had lots of questions in the school, while I was attending humanities class. "Why do you write blog post for?" That was the only question I ever heard in this month. I will tell you now and Marvin! Don't ask me that stupid question again. Right? I am writing this for fun or to show my thoughts, ideas and ophinon. Maybe, it can be homework, but most of them, I write for fun. I have relized that now, no one is writing their post and don't get interest at their blog post, but I do! (Well.. No one reads my post so... that means nothing)

Do you know that tomorrow, the economy will become better because Obama will be the president of United States, which will make a big change. Maybe, he won't but everyone believe that he will make a big change to the United States of America. Maybe, the world. Obama, as a first black president in the U.S.A, I am sure that he will make the economy better and solve the world's biggest problem. He is not only one country's president, he is the world's president.

1 comment:

The Nadaraj said...

Hi Kevin,

Good post. Just a reminder: 'Homework' is the same for singular and plural. You say "I have a lot of homework", not many homeworks. You can also say "I have too much homework today" or "I have a bunch of homework to complete."

Another suggestion: "Everyone does not like taking tests". Not "Everyone don't like..."

'post' for one post; 'posts' for many posts...

I would still recommend you shorten your thoughts a little.

Good job.